Friday, 30 October 2015

topic update: upgrade and downgrade

new image inserted:

when created
- applies to upgrade button

- applies to downgrade button
 when drawing, apples to both upgrade and downgrade buttons

 to updated topic:
update to the same topic mat occur again


Tuesday, 27 October 2015

alternate solution for custom blocks

custom blocks  and Stencyl 3.3

for some,
creating custom blocks is usually confusing,using custom blocks are confusing. Besides, Stencyl 2.x has some of the stencyl 3.3 blocks

fortunately, it has code, one can mix code with snippets just like: 
besides: it has show guide too when typing code


Saturday, 10 October 2015

topic update: set font color

new topic update: set font color:

new images:



Saturday, 3 October 2015

new topic for Stencyl-nator - a new way to fill game attribute blanks

new topic for Stencyl-nator which is a new way to fill game attribute blanks


stencyl-nator has learned a new sentence of code - setting opacity

besides I have just post a new code topic called "get game attribute"

sorry for the URL because I have just cancelled to write about it because I was short of ideas and one can fill the sinppet below with game attribute, common attribute or a number from list

anyway, it can insignificantly reduce the lag with
oh yeah, here is the page: