Stencyl 2.x - new number system .... all in standard form

In this function, we are going to use two game attributes or common attribute as one number and one number only. With this function, it is able to go 1.8e308 and beyond and 5e-324 and "below". However, we do recommend the combined number not to be more than 10^9,007,199,254,740,991 or 10^(MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
where the "log attribute" should not exceed 9,007,199,254,740,991.

 imagine writing as an integer with 9,007,199,254,740,992 digits long, Take a digit as 2mm long, one will need 500,000 digits to reach a kilometre long. So that will be 18,014,399,509 kilometres long as integer and will take at least a million years to write this long . It is made for epic games

for more info click on this external link
- STD form - _e_
- log - 10^_

1) - drawing text

 otherwise, if one do not want to use code

 - progress bar

2) converting  
in this case, for positive values

in another case, for negative values,

3) minus and addition
in this case, addition overtime
one may need this(below) to do so except naming the game attributes the shitty way

4) multiplication and division

 it is okay, the purple things are just game attributes

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