adding actors accoding to tiles without custom blocks

both above applies to the building object sensor(same behavior), when it hits a structure it prevents a new building from being build onto existing structures. when it leaves, it allows the new building to be build

and this is where "crapplay status - can build" goes to and "game attribute blank crapplay status"(below) should be the same as "game attribute blank - gameplay util"(above)

applies to building menu button
if this does not work properly please check actor group collision. One of the reason why does not work is.. they are set not to collide with any other actor. for more

if it is not working, one should 
- check if one have filled the actor type correctly
- check for the missing blocks 
- some version of Stencyl might consider this as an error but not Stencyl 2.x 
- save project and restart Stencyl 
- check the the Settings > actor group section one of the reason that occupied space wont work is

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