Wednesday, 8 June 2016

New Stencyl Topics: draw shape line

for rectangle:
top part of this image: fill just like " CENSORED ", bottom part of this image just like  a transparent rectangle with visible borders
for circle:

 the light blue "command" can be found in "drawing > styles or basic
remember, one can also adjust colour, opacity or stroke color, stroke thickness, as they want.... 

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Stencyl code mode - change number

you can do this in code

changing the values of attributes

starting with

_suck is a number attribute.

to see the result, you will meed to draw text to a scene with this behavior.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Stencyl 3.4.0 beta 3 has been released!

Stencyl 3.4.0 Beta 3 has been released!.

download it here

here is an inverted colour of this template 
 looks nice isn't it?

sorry for not posting any Stencyl tutorial right now.

Saturday, 26 March 2016

our GemCraft Labyrinth hacked has been released!

GemCraft Labyrinth hacked

hacked features:
skill hack
- most skills are uncapped
- most skills do not cost more than 1 skill point

game play hack
- 60x mana replenish rate
- No specials discarded for 4+ color components
- combining gems won't weaken the existing specials except for colour component factor pure gems => dual gems => triple gems
- "uncapped" monster hit for gembombs (Max monster hit: 1.79e308)
- uncapped monster hp
- revamped battle settings


Monday, 14 March 2016

gemcraft Chasing Shadows hacked with JPEXS free flash decomplier

gemcraft hacked with JPEXS
game hacked hacking: ag > utils >
the website to download.

1) go to JPEXS free flash decompiler website
2) downlaod
3) move the downloaded content to desired destination

 to intsall:
3) install
4) get the 3 important files
- flash player projector
- flash player projector content debugger
- PlayerGlobal.swc
 these 3 files can be downloaded in

5) download:  into desired places
6) paths to the files stated above:
 - settings > advanced settings > paths
7) hack the game by editing scripts. if there is an error after edting the script, try using P-code instead
8) some sample will be here.

setings > advanced settings > paths  - one needs to fill up this file

Sunday, 31 January 2016

Non Stencyl topic: color code for HTML

introduction: the Stencyl-nator still currently ran out of ideas about Stencyl tutorial. But one is still able to see all of our Stencyl tutorial by browsing the left sidebar.

Topic: color coding for html 

6 hexadecemal digits where the the first two digits from the left represents red power,   while the middle two digits represents green power , and finally, the last two digits represents blue power.
#000000 - black
grey: #010101
grey: 808080
grey: #fefefe
#ffffff - white 

for more information:

Thursday, 21 January 2016

stencyl 3.4.0 beta 2 has been released

stencyl-nator has still nothing to say about new tutorials. but have to study for the SATs

so have fun making games with your new Stencyl
 to download (official): 

if still preferring the older versions
one can download it here officially:,5530.0.html

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Stencyl-nator is currrently ran out of idea

stencyl-nator has currently ran out of idea because game project start-over. But...the vintage stencyl is still here!,5530.0.html

We are actually a Crap mania. we are having game projects start over to install multiple save

 and new numberal system