Sunday, 31 January 2016

Non Stencyl topic: color code for HTML

introduction: the Stencyl-nator still currently ran out of ideas about Stencyl tutorial. But one is still able to see all of our Stencyl tutorial by browsing the left sidebar.

Topic: color coding for html 

6 hexadecemal digits where the the first two digits from the left represents red power,   while the middle two digits represents green power , and finally, the last two digits represents blue power.
#000000 - black
grey: #010101
grey: 808080
grey: #fefefe
#ffffff - white 

for more information:

Thursday, 21 January 2016

stencyl 3.4.0 beta 2 has been released

stencyl-nator has still nothing to say about new tutorials. but have to study for the SATs

so have fun making games with your new Stencyl
 to download (official): 

if still preferring the older versions
one can download it here officially:,5530.0.html

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Stencyl-nator is currrently ran out of idea

stencyl-nator has currently ran out of idea because game project start-over. But...the vintage stencyl is still here!,5530.0.html

We are actually a Crap mania. we are having game projects start over to install multiple save

 and new numberal system