Saturday, 24 September 2022

New Stencyl topic: freeform mode for text drawing.


This is the full code in this picture 
Reverse Engineering directory: Stencyl folder > plaf > haxe > lib > stencyl > 1,00 > com > stencyl >  graphics > G.hx 

Sunday, 18 September 2022

New Stencyl Topic: Rectangle drawing code for Stencyl 4.0.4

 After some decompilation of some Stencyl test swf files hoping to replace the problematic drawing codes built-in in Stencyl that crashed the Microsoft edge browser, Stencyl-nator decides to produce the code that draws rectacgles. Stencyl-nator has yet to try it on Mozilla firefox, opera, Google Chrome, Maxthon and brave browser.

This is the code. To use the code in design mode, custom import and public var (custom code) are required. More info

Requires custom import and custom code. In this case
custom import : import scripts.H;
custom code: public var dt:H = new H(); 
The similar topic: 

Saturday, 3 September 2022

Stencyl topic update: code: setting opacity

if you have noticed some of the pages have been removed from game mechanics section, it is stuffs to do with old Stencyl 2.x that is not a game mechanics. Game mechanics often require multiple behaviors and are very complex subject to just look at.   

updated page:

changes: or you can refer code (preview code). 

For Stencyl 4.0 and later, 
g. alpha = 1 // default value
g. alpha =  0.5 //50% opacity. 
g. alpha =  0.2 //20% opacity