Sunday, 23 February 2025

New Stencyl topic: drawing with no G - texts version 2

It appears we have lost all views and isolated since the last post. We apologise for all the mis-understanding over Kongegate. But we do mean HTML5 format releases refuse to load unless it is publushed on website. 

The Stencyl topic. 
This is an optimised version if the text drawing without G and less dependent on some  caches that would actually slow the game down and cause some bugs.

As said before , the larbdall will be developed anyway. as there re sufficient stories to start developing.
The story line is inspired by what has happeded in Nauru. 

Game development page and progress tracking, mid Ramadan. 

Friday, 21 February 2025

Stencyl topic update: Text drawing without G for Stencyl 4.0 - FLASH VERSION

 It has a month since there is the last post. The flash version of Prosperity Valley in was compiled in flash to see if we can optimise the game with JPEXS FFDEC the same flash decompiler we used to hack Gemcraft Chasing Shadows and GemCraft Frostborn Wrath resulting in easier and optimised gameplay. 

This is because we cannot play the game on the computer without the Stencyl Software the StencylWork HTML5 version without publishing on Kongregate.  

About the Stencyl Topic. 

package scripts;

import com.stencyl.Config;  
import com.stencyl.Engine;
import com.stencyl.models.Font;
import openfl.display.BitmapData;  
import openfl.display.Graphics; 
import openfl.geom.Matrix; 

class F 
public var gr:Graphics =; 
public var a:Float=1; public var c:Int=16777215; public var l:Int=-1; 
public var m:Matrix= new Matrix();  public var s:Float=1;   
public var f_de:Font = new Font(-1, 0, "", true); public var f_cu:Font = new Font(-1, 0, "", true); 
public var fontdata: Array<BitmapData> = []; 
public function new(){}

public function ds(s:String,x:Float,y:Float):Void
if(this.f_cu == null ||""+this.f_cu == "undefined"){this.f_cu = f_de;}
this.m.identity(); this.m.translate(x,y);
var toDraw:BitmapData = null;
var w = this.f_cu.font.getTextWidth(s,this.l,this.s);
var h =*this.s);
if(w > 0 && h > 0)
// the highlighted is the oens being changed for flash version 
this.fontdata = this.f_cu.font.getPreparedGlyphs(this.s,this.c, true);
 toDraw = new BitmapData(w, h, true, 0);
 this.f_cu.font.render(toDraw,this.fontdata, s,this.c,this.a, 0, 0,this.l,this.s, 0); //0, false
if(toDraw != null)
{, this.m, false, Config.antialias);,y, toDraw.width, toDraw.height);;

public function g_textw(s:String):Int{return this.f_cu.font.getTextWidth(s,0,this.s) + this.l*s.length;}

For HTML 5 versions and other details