Sunday, 8 November 2015

AI's proposal part 3 - ready to move....

this behavior has a lot of bugs in it, dont believe me?, try it yourself!. I expect that the actor pass through the target 1 time but in the test, it stuck on screen. Can you spot anything wrong?

this buggy behavior image is published for others to reverse engineer
Now, I need anyone to reverse engineer this behavior and publish the corrected version of this behavior EVERYWHERE for others to reverse engineer. Keep in mind that Stencyl-nator is competition free  

part 2

 before Al's proposal part 4 can begin, Stencyl-nator needs to get this behavior corrected

Friday, 6 November 2015

Proposing AI's part 2 + "other Stencyl tutorials" page extension

 proposing AI's part 2 : the trigger event is added in order to add trigger movements and and change movements when it reached is sub-destination.

the outcome with image above will still be the same as the last post (below). It is just that we make a "detour" for flash to run...

besides, we extended the "other Stencyl tutorial" pages with 3 (from 15 to 18) new links which are:
 16) The Stencyl Blog -

17) Rivello multimedia consulting


for the rest of the links, go to:

Stencyl-nator will keep extending the "other Stencyl tutorial" page while do not have ideas 


Proposing AI's (with trying to avoid custom blocks)

proposing Al's......
starting with random drawing ... by actor type 

1) my first step of proposal (actors cannot move yet....)

description: the actor applies will "shine its light" at random place, soon will be converted into movement target,...

it will take long before the AI's become real just like Enemy Al in GemCraft Chasing Shadows......Even then, it will contain code....

but any viewers may get AI's complete before we complete our AI's  
this page leads to other Stencyl Tutorials: