Wednesday, 2 December 2020

New Stencyl Topic : click move command.

click anywhere to make actor go the clicked position. 

it is a step forward to successfully create the most difficult behaviour in the game which is pathfinding without the "path options" like the ones in GPS. The pathfinding where this most of this component may contain EXCEPT the first 2 rows. 

The waypoint-based pathfinding has 3 main components which are scanning, producing waypoints, and propagation which is most of this EXCEPT the first 2 rows and the next waypoint.   

Add next point command on the bottommost if gate on the second event and replace the mouse of the first event with next point X and Y and it will be a component of pathfinding that dispatches the actor's movement.   

Thursday, 15 October 2020

New Stencyl topic - less space used

Apology: sorry for not being here for so long. also you cannot update new flash games on wixsite anymore thus returning to this blog.

issues: the game is way larger than it should be. 



Monday, 6 April 2020

New Stencyl topic: typing feature

 sorry for not been here for so long while I was hacking games for
this new Stencyl topic has a flash display to actually experience this behavior
character input
moving text indicator left or right
text info and text indicator position
erase section

clear text

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Stencylnator will be moving to wix

this blog will be abondoned as Stencyl-nator  will move to wix. here we cannot publish flash here
- next Stencyl topic onwards will be on together with and comes with flash demo
- this blog will rather have more unoriginal sprites than Stencyl tutorial

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Stencyl-nator topic update:

both above applies to the building object sensor(same behavior), when it hits a structure it prevents a new building from being build onto existing structures. when it leaves, it allows the new building to be build

and this is where "crapplay status - can build" goes to and "game attribute blank crapplay status"(below) should be the same as "game attribute blank - gameplay util"(above)

applies to building menu button
if this does not work properly please check actor group collision. One of the reason why does not work is.. they are set not to collide with any other actor. for more

Saturday, 7 April 2018

New Stencyl topic: how to import font from windows

intorduction: Stencyl 2.x provides 3 fonts which are
- Sans Serif - similar to Arial,
- Newspaper - similar to Times New Roman
- Typewritter - similar to courier
 windows > Fonts folder also has a lot of fonts to choose form
to import custom font from 
1. go to font section and create new font
2. click choose custom button
if you can't import directly from the folder C > Windows > Fonts
step 1: copy the font you want to copy from the Windows > Fonts folder.Right click in it and press "copy"
step 2: select the destination folder right click then paste on the destination folder (any folder you placed)
step 3: open Stencyl > yourgame and go to font section
step 4: create or edit font in the project(game) 
step 5: import font from the folder you have paste the font into.