Sunday, 26 January 2025

New stencyl topic: code search bar

Apologies for some mistakes in some pages
New Stencyl topic  code search bar

In short,the usage of the search bar are
- error checking - to see some typo or something forgotten to change. 
- navigation - the search bar can also act as an elevator for the code along with comments.  

Stencyl topic update: 
chaged ActorScript to Scene Script. 

Saturday, 11 January 2025

New stencyl topic - indivudual snippet - set game attribute.

New Stencyl topic in individual snippet section. 

In this case: 
game attribute name: gender 
game attribute type: String / text. 
game attribure value: osama bin laden. 

codes (Haxe)
Preview code in design mode: 
Engine.engine.setGameAttribute("gender", "osama bin laden");

Engine.engine.gameAttributes.set("gender", "osama bin laden");

fixed some typing errors and highlight smoe texts. 

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Stencyl topic updates: 2025A08

 Topic updates
Added link to Custom blocks
Added sub-sections collisions and actors.   

Added Introductions
Added link to Design mode

3. so-called infinite (which is not) scene rendering for multi-actor/multi-tile objects.  

Game development progress
Prosperity Valley
allies: none 
character design: none 
enemies: none 
inverntory: none - concept success
scene rendering system: in progress
- terrians: complete
- object: in progess, making save data and load data 
- regeneration: none

quests : none 

The watered down version will be developed anyway (Lardball). The character are as fat as a queen sized bed. This game will be easier to develop than wha we are developing right now. 

  Will not be talking about MapleStory Mosnter Edition. (characters span multiple tiles) and any of the old abandoned projects before Prosperity Valley gets to a playable state. 

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

New Stencyl topic: - initial stat settings

 Happy New Year
New Stencyl Topic - initialie character settings 

This feature is done before the full check on the previous feature is to see the maximum player speed defore the game breaks down. We have also witness that rendeing system with upd rate up to 100 hz will not produce significant lag (Ryzen 5-4600H). The upd rate was once every 0.15 seconds which is shown in this code. 

Many of our upcoming stencyl topic will be using instead of starndard drawing provided by Stencyl. 

Sunday, 3 November 2024

New stencyl subtopic: so-called endless scenes - multi-tile objects

 After 1.5 years of attempts including 2 failures, in the 3rd attempt we have successfully created the multi-tile rendring system for so-called endless scene which is technically not as int only let us go up to 2.1 billion tiles in each direction.   

In the previous attempts we use 1 actor multi tile which has a difficulty in post-creation. This sucessful attempt we use pre-creation logic. The next part of the multi-tile system is interaction. where players will interact with 1 object but multiple actors. 

this page is very long because of the codes thus laggy to edit.  

other topic updates. - diagnosis data
added some basic explanation 

Sunday, 29 September 2024

Stencyl-nator topic updates: 2024_09_29

Sorry for not being active for so long especially over the promised Half-life Zombie Edition. Also gone headache over Nintendo vs Palworld lawsuit in Japan. Purchased Palworld on Steam and never gets to play it because we do not have a sufficent computer to play it. Done it to vote with our wallet.   

While Nintendo is suing Palword over patent infringements, not copyright infringements. Stencyl-nator sides with Palworld because the patents lawsuit over game mechanics. Stencyl-nator is no fan of either side of this lawsuit nor endorse the bare minimum differences bewteen pals and Pokemons.  However, Colopl did deserve the similar lawsuit because colopl uses its patent to extort,    

Stencyl-nator do wish all the patents go viral across the globe especially the ones registered beyond Japan where colopl(actually deserved to get sued), Nintendo and Poketpair (Palwirld) is in. Stencyl-nator also hopes Palworld does not get woke (for example: gays for sharia and trans for kids) under SONY partnership 

Why Stencyl-nator put the codes in public?. this is to prevent intellectual property trolling. All Stencyl-nator tutorials and the pictures in it are in public domain except mentioned otherwise. 

Topic updates 
update: added links to Actors > Tweening > Scale Actor 

update: In this case, flip on vertical axis, the axis will follow actor roitation. 
proposed to add: nintendo and pokemon game mechanic patents screenshot as actor object as another example instead of just custom gender satire.  
other news
Half-life : Zombie Edition package (incomplete) 

This package is Half-life:Zombie Edition with mods installed on it. These mods are:
Affliction, BooM, Black Mesa Sideline and The Long Night. 
The picture below - Mod: Black Mesa Sideline. 

CAUTION: Stencyl-nator has not tested this package on other computers. and the package will be very difficult especially with human grunts 

The work of the multi-tile object rendering system is roughly 40% complete. The length of the code inn our style which is more condensed than displyed in JPEXS FFDEC will be roughly 4,000 lines. In this version, data pre-creeation is more difficult and require multi-actor object listing. The progress is slow because we have jobs to do. Employed in jobs that have nothing to do with Stencyl or nay game development whatsoever.  

Sunday, 9 June 2024

New Stencyl topic: Scene > view > camera X

The multiple tile-"unlimited" scene rendering will show its results next week, but will still be far from complete, still programming on rnx (render from left side of a screen). This feature will be used in Prosperity Valley and some other games to be developed together. We wont tell what they are because we are not yet getting all the features working correctly such as pathfinding, the most difficult feature we have attempted. 

But one potential outcome are: 
1. LGBTQ Gov't that preaches muslim immigrants welcome and Gays for Palestine (inspired by Mr prepper), to escape the town because there is too much wokeness. 
2. Watered down version with character design - as fat as a queen sized bed =1 tile - our old game development project back in 2022 will be. As said in 2023, we started the game development over to opimise the game because we ant the game to be able to run in Avita Essential with Intel Celeron.  Also in the beginning this year, we said to compromise Prosperity valley over the multiple-tile "unlimited" scene rendering issue but now we ae doing the 3rd attempt.  

3. MapleStory mosnters comeback which is the least probable because the characters may occupy multiple tiles. We have also mentioned that we will no longer use them (even if they reach public domain) back in april 9. This one comes with evolution.      

and also it is time for us to stop being "talk big, does nothing" personnel. also we ha alos lost most of the views since the last post. 

New stencyl topics: 
1. Scene > view > camera X
can be found in "Individual Snippets" on the left

2. Design mode  (getting started)

Last but not least,  We told about Half-Life Zombie Edition with some mods installed on it. Last week, the game development porject has been stopped because we were sneezy, so we played games. and here the mods tried in zombie edition 

HL BOOM installed on Half-life Zombie Edition. 

The package is not ready yet still have alot of mods to cover and will put into Google Drive by end of june and update to ad more mods in october and november. 

Thursday, 23 May 2024

Stencyl topic correction: actors > properties > Actor type

corrected section: shortcut level 2
old:  return cast Data.instances.resources.get(0);
new  return cast Data.instance.resource.sget(0);

old usage results in compilation error, suggestion : instance. 
The corrected page can also be found in Individual snippet section on the left

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

New Stencyl topic: Actor Type individual snippet

The new attempt for "unlimited" scene with muliti-tile is only beginning to be coded. Many of our old cringy stuffs (2014 ~ 2017) are now being deleted from our blogger. Most of them will not be reused again. because all of the games we are making will be full top down. 

See SAS Zombie Assault series by NinjaKiwi. their view angle. You can play them on NinjaKiwi Archive. instead of looking at our past. We do not plan to finish what we started that time(2014 ~ 2017, MapleStory Monster perspectives). Unless there are at least 3 comments saying otherwise or until Prosperity Valley is in playable state (Earliest prediction: 2026).  

Because we have jobs, outside of geme development. Besides, we have not figured out some basic yet difficult game mechanics such as pathfinding and enemy AI.    

New Stencyl topic: individual snippet - actor type. 

can also be found in "individual snippets"  

So see you in june. Next post: play some mods installed on Half-life Zombie Edition. Yeah, that is one of our old stuffs during that time and we have not share with you.