Sunday, 28 April 2024

New Stencyl topic: drawing without G - circle

The stencyl topics:
1. not using - circle

2. Individual snippets - mouse positions.

changes in layouts:  
the 2 drawing without using com.stencyl.grahics.G is removed from the page tab and move to here:

Game development progress: 
building and testing splash radius for multi-actor objects. Goes in game mechanics section when the behavior is done. To be used in prosperity Valley. By seeing the blog you can know where we are working on. 

Wednesday, 10 April 2024

New stencyl topic switch Scene snippet.

 Selamat Hari Raya Aidifitri (Eid al-fitr) , while we are working with multi-tile object rendering system, developing concept, we have created a new topic which is found in individual snippets section.

topic updates: code mode for ActorScript - new section added

Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Title change "switch scene" to "relaoad scene"

Sooryn for not being here for so long as we work where Stencyl, Haxe, HTML and JavaScript are not applicable and sorry for the misleading title in one of our pages (see topic updates).   

Prosperity Valley Game developent: 
Change method for multi-tile object rendering system. that is one object can have multiple actors.
currently testing and concept devbelopment on interaction, 
object stats (multiple objects shares the same stats).
About splahs radius: prevent damage stacking as each actor receives damage form splash radius in an boject.    
Not yet started the rendering system bu interaction concept development. 

Topic updates:  
change title "switch scene" to "reload scene" because of misleading titles.

Old stencyl-nator stuffs 
MapleStory monsters will no longer be used (even if they reached public domain). but maybe fat furries VS the cakes but certainly not before we progress Prosperity Valley to a playable state.  The MapleStory monters our version could be the culprit why we lose views. 

Do drink more water, otherwise you will procrastinate your tasks. That is my 9 years of  experience with Stencyl. Feeling lazy because of dehydration.