The new attempt for "unlimited" scene with muliti-tile is only beginning to be coded. Many of our old cringy stuffs (2014 ~ 2017) are now being deleted from our blogger. Most of them will not be reused again. because all of the games we are making will be full top down.
See SAS Zombie Assault series by NinjaKiwi. their view angle. You can play them on NinjaKiwi Archive. instead of looking at our past. We do not plan to finish what we started that time(2014 ~ 2017, MapleStory Monster perspectives). Unless there are at least 3 comments saying otherwise or until Prosperity Valley is in playable state (Earliest prediction: 2026).
Because we have jobs, outside of geme development. Besides, we have not figured out some basic yet difficult game mechanics such as pathfinding and enemy AI.
New Stencyl topic: individual snippet - actor type.
can also be found in "individual snippets"
So see you in june. Next post: play some mods installed on Half-life Zombie Edition. Yeah, that is one of our old stuffs during that time and we have not share with you.