Wednesday, 7 June 2023


1. Stencyl-nator apologizes that the "endless" scene video is too large to upload onto the blogger. 600MB
2. Longer than expected. Accidentally deleted the game project files and spend some time on Minudstry mods. 
3. No pride month (LGBTQ or pride itself) will be celebrated here. By the way, LGBTQ is illegal in  Malaysia, where Stencyl-nator is operated.  Recently, the Rainbow-themed Swatch has been by confiscated by Malaysian authorities.  
Blog update
There are now 3 version of so-called endless scene which is technically not. but it can have up to 2.1 billion tiles from each direction.  The latest ones are in code mode: 
Removed from game mechanics section: 

Added new version 

All of the above are not accessible directly via game mechanics section but all 3 version has become sub-topics of the main page. the main topic page can be accessed directly to game mechanics.   

The game development progress
The project is remake from zero. except the sprites. This is to optimise and make sure that the game can run in entry-level computers such as Avita Essential 14 with Intel Celeron N4020. The project redo is to further optimize the game and bugs and significantly improve performance and efficiency by discarding unwanted finctionality from some scenes and actors as well as the entire project.  

Reasons to restart the project: 
1. Do away with 1.5x, 2x, 3x and 4x via settings.
2. Do away with 
3. Sprite redesign.   
4. To use mostly code mode with minimum imports where design mode cannot.

First, it was named "Minedew valley" then infinite valley now, prosperity valley. the name of the game might subject to change again. 

the current progress
gameplay - only endless scene generation on 1-unit "terrain" using many actors. Player can only move around. 
The tying features for load game discards Powered by code mode and and some reverse-engineering from com.stencyl.behavior.Scripts. 

Everthing else not yet. 

Mindustry mods
Stencyl-nator owner has also developed some Mindustry mods
2. Ereki_clones - No enemies, No techs

*No techs means no technology provided by the mods themselves. You need to play the original campaign and other mods to acquire them. That means techs from other mods and original game can be brought in and used.

[1] Uses the default generator which is AsteroidGenerator, [2] and [3] are changed generator via javascript. You can bring techs from originals and other mods to play the 3 mods from github downlodable via the mod browser. Unfortunately, Tantros has been de-listed from the mod browser for unknown reason but most likely being outdated.  

Proposed upcoming topics 
Tips and tricks (will appear on that section once written)
1. Code mode vs design mode. 
2. Unused behaviors

blocks, code and computational "shortcuts" which are important to use code in design mode and full code mode.  

Aside from the Stencyl tutorial related topics, Stencyl-nator will write about the game development progress as soon as some of the game features are ready.  

Wednesday, 1 February 2023

Not active until may 2023

Stencyl-nator will be inactive until may 2023 so do not expect any new Stencyl topic by this time because The owner is now busy on his academic tasks again and this time, absolutely nothing with game development processes.  

Here is the screenshot of a reverse-engineered javascript of a StencylWork in HTML5 format and still fails to make a StencylWork to run on browser without depending on Stencyl(localhost) or third-party sites such as Kongregate. 

Thursday, 26 January 2023

New topic: Multiple stencyl badges. (HTML5, javascript)

I cannot load the StencylWork after being released to my computer and play it straight with browser (stuck at loading screen when released). so I decided to edit the source files HTML and JS of the StencylWork. So that i can use the StencylWork to develop another StencylWork without going using the internet or publishing to some sites.

So far, Stencyl-nator has not been able to access directly to the Stencyl using direct browser access (localhost).by clicking the HTML5 icon.  However, it work before it released as localhost. 

After a week, we discovered how to remove or have multiple of "Made with Stencyl badges" 

Sunday, 20 November 2022

New Stencyl topic: Actor mode:

Sorry for taking so long with basic topic where no advanced features is required. 
Shading and making the actor glow does not work via openfl.filters.GlowFilter in HTML5.

I was also experimenting of
with 2 new requirement:
The tile will now be physicsMode = MINIMAL_PHYSICS or selected actor > physics > advanced > Actor mode = Minimal. since the minimal. 
No region as before.   
The picture above shows the new killing process of the infinite scene rendering. The old page is not updated. However, the new version will arrive in the entirely new page. 

The new version of the infinite scene rendering is actually a success. However, it is mostly codes (not blocks) written in design mode.  Therefore the code would be crammed because the code block/snippet cannot be extended to accomodate the full view of the code. So is this why Stencyl-nator is losing views? or Stencyl itself has become unpopular? or Stencyl-nator's old embarassing topics? 

As for the topic, 
Normal (default)
anchor to screen
regions can sense?
Solid actor interaction with other solid actors.
Lets other solid actors pass through even if its solid
Lets other solid actors pass through even if its solid

Only solid actors with

“actorMode = normal”
will not pass through

Saturday, 24 September 2022

New Stencyl topic: freeform mode for text drawing.


This is the full code in this picture 
Reverse Engineering directory: Stencyl folder > plaf > haxe > lib > stencyl > 1,00 > com > stencyl >  graphics > G.hx 

Sunday, 18 September 2022

New Stencyl Topic: Rectangle drawing code for Stencyl 4.0.4

 After some decompilation of some Stencyl test swf files hoping to replace the problematic drawing codes built-in in Stencyl that crashed the Microsoft edge browser, Stencyl-nator decides to produce the code that draws rectacgles. Stencyl-nator has yet to try it on Mozilla firefox, opera, Google Chrome, Maxthon and brave browser.

This is the code. To use the code in design mode, custom import and public var (custom code) are required. More info

Requires custom import and custom code. In this case
custom import : import scripts.H;
custom code: public var dt:H = new H(); 
The similar topic: 

Saturday, 3 September 2022

Stencyl topic update: code: setting opacity

if you have noticed some of the pages have been removed from game mechanics section, it is stuffs to do with old Stencyl 2.x that is not a game mechanics. Game mechanics often require multiple behaviors and are very complex subject to just look at.   

updated page:

changes: or you can refer code (preview code). 

For Stencyl 4.0 and later, 
g. alpha = 1 // default value
g. alpha =  0.5 //50% opacity. 
g. alpha =  0.2 //20% opacity

Wednesday, 24 August 2022

New Stencyl topic: inventory

It is the day that Najib Razak gets charged in court after being sentenced in prison over SRC scandal. Also the day IOI City mall phase 2 opens to be the largest mall in Malaysia where Stencyl-nator is in.  

While Najib Razak is in court. Stencyl-nator compiled the behavior systems for the . 

However this behavior we wrote is mostly code due to obsession with efficiency and the use of Int and also the use of list[x][y][z] as this time Stencyl-nator is creating game named infinite valley. 
The page is too long to be written here. It took Stencyl-nator 2 days to compile 4 behaviours into images.

but stencyl-nator can give you some hint here. One disadvantage of doing code in design mode is the code snippet cannot be extended.  

Next topic: Drawing code. and before that, There will be few changes to this blog. 

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Stencyl: Inventory system is almost ready.

 Apology: Stencyl-nator apologises for not being here for so long due to academic loads and massive overhaul of unlimited scene renderer for Stencyl engine cannot save data[negative int]. The other problem with Stencyl is using too much Drawing resulting in game crashing. 

 Therefore Stencyl-nator produces its own drawing Script and custom imports for better performance.  

The behavior used for drawing

Everything here Stencyl-nator learned is from Reverse engineering the SWF files he has "published" on to his computer using JPEXS FFDEC. More (including bypassing some functionalities) about that later.
The topic mentioned in the title will be out and announced within this week. and the drawing topic later for this is only the beginning of drawing tool reverse-engineering with JPEXS FFDEC.      

Tuesday, 17 May 2022

saves cannot save data with negative ids

Under development : Infinite valley: 

Stencyl-nator aplogises for not working with this blog for few month due to academic load. I came across the issue the save have bugs.  So i made a save demo for data[negative values] in game Attribute 
named "savd test.swf". Also all the files here can now be accessed. JPEXS FFDEC is recommended for reverse-engineering or to see how Stencyl-nator assembles the codes,
The data [negative values] can be used anywhere but cannot be saved.

WARNING: ALL SWF FILES ARE deemed potentially harmful to your computer by Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.  

the codes in the file so that you can duplicate. 

Next topic: inventory,